Adding a background job with a timer to pull from ASP.NET Core Web API

Now that I have an API for my client to pull from I want to extend my chatter chat application to be able to hit it. Portions of this post were inspired by IAmTimCorey’s video on Background Jobs in ASP.NET Core. Other parts derive from the Microsoft documentation on Sytem.Threading.Timer I’m going to start by […]


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Using EntityFramework and MinimalAPI in ASP.NET Core Web API

In the previous post I added the EntityFramework nugets to my Web API project and created a Sqlite db using the EntityFramework tools. Here I’m going to add in a Get and Post to my API and interface with the database. First I need to add the database context to my services in the API […]


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Adding EntityFramework and Sqlite to ASP.NET Core Web API

So far we’ve covered: Up next is adding an API for our app to talk to and store messages. This will be done with ASP.NET Core Web API, back-ended with a Sqlite database. I’ll start by adding a new ASP.NET Core Web API project to our existing application and call it “ChatterAPI” We’re going to […]


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Using Messenger in the CommunityToolkit.Mvvm

As mentioned in my last post I wanted to hit on the IMessenger services included with the CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.  There is a ton of funtionality with the IMessenger but at it’s core it passes messages between an instance that sends a message and any instances that are registered to receive the message. To do this there […]


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A light tutorial of CommunityToolkit.Mvvm and Dependency Injection

The intention here is to cover some simple basics with getting CommunityToolkit.Mvvm going using dependency injection. There are a ton of of tutorials that go much further in-depth with CommunityToolkit including Microsoft’s own introduction. But as a basic intro let’s start with what CommunityToolkit.Mvvm is. It is a package that integrates the MVVM pattern into […]


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