A light tutorial of CommunityToolkit.Mvvm and Dependency Injection

The intention here is to cover some simple basics with getting CommunityToolkit.Mvvm going using dependency injection. There are a ton of of tutorials that go much further in-depth with CommunityToolkit including Microsoft’s own introduction. But as a basic intro let’s start with what CommunityToolkit.Mvvm is. It is a package that integrates the MVVM pattern into […]


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Adding Host to WPF for Dependency Injection

One of the primary frameworks I used to use for DI was Unity Container. It’s a wonderful project but with support from Microsoft for host.services I’ve abandoned Unity Container in favor of the Microsoft solution. The main reason is that I see it everywhere. Maybe it’s the hot, new thing but using it and asking […]


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Parsing a nullable primitive to a primitive with generics and the Try-Parse pattern

There is a lot to unpack in that title. Let’s start with the Try-Parse pattern. This pattern is defined in Microsoft’s “Exceptions and Performance” article (which itself comes from Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries, 2nd Edition) and is likely one you are very familiar with. Fundamentally the return type […]


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Starting over

Starting over by loading the archive of all my old posts.


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Live Filter Design Pattern in XAML

I decided I should start titling my posts with XAML instead of WPF as they are applicable regardless of whether you are developing in Windows 7 with WPF or Windows 8. I’m going to take the BreadCrumb design pattern sample and extend it to include the Live Filter design pattern. The premise behind the Live […]


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Binding a Dependency Property of a View to its ViewModel, part Deux

I’ve been getting quite a few hits lately on my post, Binding a Dependency Property of a View to its ViewModel. After reviewing it I realized that, while the post isn’t too bad, it doesn’t read as smooth as I would like (though it does have some pretty pictures with arrows and boxes and stuff, […]


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BreadCrumb Design Pattern in WPF

This continues my series on ways you’ve probably used design patterns in real-life and may not have even known it. I’m going to go even further outside of the standard software design patterns into UI design patterns. Specifically, I wanted to address the bread crumb, a UI design pattern that concerns navigation. In web development […]


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Bind a ComboBox to an enum while using Display attribute

I found a lot of different tutorials on binding a ComboBox to an enum but none of them worked. In every case the ComboBox would not stay selected to the value I chose, instead always reverting back to the previous selected value. Couple that with the fact that I wanted to use the Display attribute […]


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Monitor Design Pattern with Semaphore

This continues my series on ways you’ve probably used design patterns in real-life and may not have even known it. The previous post was on the Locking, Double-Checked Locking, Lazy and Proxy Design Patterns. In the last post we began to look at design patterns outside of the standard creational, structural and behavioral, venturing into […]


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Locking, Double-Checked Locking, Lazy and Proxy Design Patterns

This continues my series on ways you’ve probably used design patterns in real-life and may not have even known it. The previous post was on the Iterator Design Pattern. The original book on software design patterns, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software discussed three types of design patterns, creational, structural and behavioral. As time […]


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